Follow Me @aoifideco


Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

'Hello' from Magelang :) -part 1-

Kamis, Desember 27, 2012 2 Comments
Back again with me :D

And now.. I want to show some of my pictures at Puri Asri, Magelang, Central Java.

Well.. I love these landscapes :) They're so beautiful :D And, this hotel has a nice sense of cullinary :9 Their cooks can cook very well! Their foods so delicious! :9 ehmm.. yummy :D

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Christmas Eve's Behind the Scene

Rabu, Desember 26, 2012 0 Comments
Well, sebelumnya.. Aku mau bilang, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!"

Yayy :D

Oiya. Aku mau cerita nih, tentang pengalamanku sewaktu melayani di malam Natal kemarin malam.

Ehm, gini.

Aku datang jam setengah 4 *harusnya jam 3. Tapi berhubung aku capek banget, akhirnya datang agak telat .__.*. Terus dandan, pakai high heels *versi ce*, ngomong-ngomong gaje, ketawa-ketawa... Dan nggak lupa ada latihan di sela-sela dandan *dan akhirnya, semuanya baru selesai ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 5 kurang 5 menit*.


Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

The Bible Says (5)

Minggu, Desember 23, 2012 0 Comments
Yu-huu :D

It's White Christmas day! ^^ yeyy~ and 2 days again, it'll be Christmas day! :D yayy~ :3

Well, now I want to share some my edited-photographs again :) It's for my Christmas' present for my blog's visitor :D enjoy! ^^

By the way... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

This is Discipling - Video

Sabtu, Desember 08, 2012 0 Comments
Watching a video about discipling at Teen - Youth Worship today... it makes me want to have a real discipling. Ha!

Confuse with my opinion of this video? Well.. Why you don't look this video? :) Hope you'll have a heart that really wants to make a real discipling.

Love, liberate, lead, launch. This is dicipling. This is church ^^ 08.12.2012 - HUT KTB Remaja Pemuda ke-14

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Penting nggak, ya? (2)

Rabu, Desember 05, 2012 0 Comments
.________. ngliat Twitter, langsung galau untuk yang kesekian kalinya.

Well, siapa yang nggak galau kalau ngeliat ada yang bilang - secara - nggak - langsung kalau dia udah putus sama pacarnya?

Aku galau, tuh. Bukan gara - gara belum punya pacar, bukan!! Aku galau gara - gara mikir masa depan anak - anak yang - udah - pacaran - sebelum - waktunya.

Entah kapan mereka pacaran, tapi waktu putus... TL-ku langsung penuh sama curcol"-nya yang cewek sama teman - temannya.

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

My Prayer (Journey-mate)

Sabtu, Desember 01, 2012 0 Comments
A few days ago, I read a book which is really help me to struggling in God, about journey-mate. In this book, there's a prayer from the writer (I love the prayer, and I've tried it after read that book!).

Well.. just look at this post. God bless :)

My Prayer

I pray for a man, that will be a part of my life
A man that really loves YOU more than everything
A man that will put me in the second place of his heart
A man that lives not for himself but for YOU

Salib ODHA - Hari AIDS Sedunia

Sabtu, Desember 01, 2012 0 Comments
For all of the people who have HIV/AIDS. Jesus Christ loves you, and He still waiting for you :)

-inspired by @dwitasaridwita-

"Kamu ODHA?"

Dengan tatapan membelalak dia berseru. "Nggak. Kamu pasti bohong. Nggak mungkin," dia berkata sambil menggelengkan kepalanya.

Aku menatap dia dengan lemas. "Nggak. Aku nggak bohong," aku berkata, dan sedetik kemudian aku menyadari bahwa aku ini bodoh. Untuk apa kamu mengakui bahwa tubuhmu terserang HIV/AIDS pada pacarmu?